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Best Gtd Apps For Mac


After considerable deliberation, Things 3 has become our new pick for the best GTD app suite for Mac, iPad, and iPhone.

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Mar 15, 2018 The simplicity of the design is the asset for Things 3. The app has a beautiful and minimalistic user interface and flexible task management. It is a must have GTD app for every Mac, iPhone and iPad user. Today, we are going to have a look at this amazing to-do-list app and all of its features and functions.

Sep 19, 2018 One of the primary tools you will need for your GTD implementation is a list manager. This is a place to store your lists and is most often what people mean when they ask what the best app is for GTD. In the Getting Things Done book, David Allen recommends starting off with 10 lists: Projects. Sep 13, 2019 OmniFocus (Mac/iOS): as our previous recommendation, the most powerful of all the GTD-esque Mac apps is at the top of our list. It continues to offer the highest level of customization and power features that many people find essential for their workflows. There are plenty of great, free Getting Things Done apps out there. If you're a fan of David Allen's productivity system but can't do paper and don't have the cash for a commercial program, this is the collection of applications for you. The following is a list of nineteen free GTD apps for Windows, the Mac. Free, open source GTD application ThinkingRock is one of the few desktop apps that boasts cross-platform support. ThinkingRock is also the first app on our list that's specifically built around the GTD methodology; users emphasize its robust feature set and strict implementation of GTD.

Things 3’s wonderful new design, humane task management features, and range of simplicity to complexity make it the winner in an otherwise tight GTD race.

Read our in-depth review here »

Despite coming in as our new runner-up pick, OmniFocus still reigns supreme as the best GTD app for power users looking to make the most of deep projects and review cycles. OmniFocus has received some major updates since we first chose it as the best GTD app suite back in 2014. But ultimately, we believe Things 3 is the best GTD app for most people, while OmniFocus remains the best choice for certain power users.

The design of Things 3, which shipped nearly a year ago, is beautiful. The app looks nearly perfect on all three device platforms, and became a WWDC Apple Design Award Winner in 2017 as a result. Its use of whitespace, typography, and color make it the best designed GTD app available today.

Things 3 has a range of capabilities, from the simple task lists in the Today or Inbox view through to the complex project headers you can add to different Areas. Just about every type of user will find a home in Things 3.

We’re particularly fond of the way Things 3 handles overdue and old tasks as well. When a task doesn’t get finished in one day, it simply continues on in the “Today” list for the next day. There are no “overdue” or “uncompleted” task lists to be found in Things 3, and we think this is one of the most humane ways of handling task management.

Coming Soon: All the Things (a course for mastering Things 3 and calm productivity)

In addition to our new GTD app pick, we’re putting the finishing touches on our brand new course, All The Things. This course will take you through the thick and thin of Things 3 on Mac, iPad, and iPhone and give you some great tips and tricks for fine-tuning your GTD workflow. You can learn more here about the upcoming course, or use the link below to sign up to get notified when it launches in February.

To learn more about Things 3 and why it’s our pick for the best GTD app for Mac, iPad, and iPhone, head on over to the updated review. No matter your taste in design and features, between Things 3 or OmniFocus, you’re sure to be covered.

Bonus! One more thing…

The Complete Guide to Managing Tasks in Things (Video)

If you struggle to keep up with all your tasks, we can show you some organization tips that may help you. Graphic design apps for mac.

We put together a video that shows you everything you need to know about a task in Things:

  • The difference between start dates and due dates and how to use them effectively.
  • How to set up reminders so you never forget an important task again.
  • How to use checklists for tasks that require more than one step.
  • How to configure daily, weekly, monthly, or even annual repeating tasks.
  • And more…

You don’t have to use any of these things in your tasks if you don’t want to. But knowing what they are and how they all work will help you be more organized, save time, and ensure you are using Things in the way that suits you best.

This video is something we have made available for free to our email subscriber community. You can get it right now. By joining the Sweet Setup community you’ll also get access to other guides, early previews to big new reviews and workflow articles we are working on, weekly roundups of our best content, and more.

The best todo apps for Mac from creating shopping lists to managing projects, to just plain getting stuff done

Looking for the best Mac apps to help you stay organized and on task? We spend a good majority of our lives checking off todo lists. Whether that's buying groceries or finishing assignments or scheduling projects, keeping everything straight and getting things done in the most time effective way possible can sometimes be a task in and of itself. If you're a Mac user, there are lots of apps available that can help you organize the chaos. Most even have iOS counterparts to keep you productive on the go too. Todo apps can come with a high price tag, however, so it can be hard to decide on which one to go with. Which todo apps for Mac really are the best?

Omnifocus 2 by the Omni Group has the most features and organization options of any todo app avialable for either Mac or iOS. Omnifocus supports projects, contexts, due dates, flags, and more. A task can have a context attached to it as well as be a part of a project and an organizational folder. The search and sort features of Omnifocus let you drill town to broad or very specific filters. Omnifocus also integrates with your calendar so you get a nice view of everything you have going on each day. Omnifocus 2 is currently available for both iPhone and Mac. An update iPad version is currently in the works as well.

If you want power and flexibility and aren't afraid of a learning curve, Omnifocus 2 is what you want.

  • $39.99 - Download Now

See also:

  • $19.99 - iPhone - Download Now


Todo by Appigo has a great interface, is easy to use, and gives you a section for lists, contexts, and tags. The main view separates the tasks you have coming up into several sections including overdue, today, tomorrow, next 7 days, and future. You can customize the view to show more or less information for each task. Expanded views give you a quick glimpe at not only due date but any contexts or tags you have attached to tasks. You can also customize your Focus list. By default it hides tasks due after tomorrow but you can easily change it within settings.

If you need some extra help prioritizing tasks but also desire a clean and user friendly interface, Todo is a great choice.

  • $14.99 - Download Now

See also:

  • $4.99 - iOS - Download Now

Things 2

Things 2 by Cultured Code is easy to pick up and start using. From the way it's laid out to how you can configure options, it's works just the way you expect it to. Things can also tie into the native Reminders app for Mac and iOS and import items into Things, which means using Siri to create tasks becomes an option. The Today and Next Focus lists show what tasks you have due dates for. Scheduled shows you anything you have that is recurring. Another feature called Areas that lets you create virtual workspaces for different categories. This area is great for organizing different projects and categories.

For a well designed app paired with Siri integration, Things 2 is your best bet.

  • $49.99 - Download Now

See also:

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  • $9.99 - iPhone - Download Now
  • $19.99 - iPhone - Download Now


2Do is a powerful task app available for both iOS and Mac. The Mac version of 2Do is not only easy to use, but has a great interface. My favorite part of 2Do is its organizational structure. Anyone who likes to have lists for their lists with appreciate the complete control 2Do gives you. However you want to sort and organize your tasks, you can. Easily one of the best features of 2Do are the flexible smart lists that you can create to keep on top of things. While the iOS version is getting a little long in the tooth, a redesigned version is in the works and should be out soon. Best of all, it'll be completely free!

For complete control over organization and endless list and filter possibilities, 2Do is where it's at.

  • $39.99 - Download Now


Todoist is a minimalistic but efficient task app that's available not only for Mac, but almost any other platform you could be using as well. While there isn't granular list and project control like some other options offer, Todoist makes up for that gap with simplicity. Right click on tasks to quickly move them, change the due date, and much more. You can also access your Todoist tasks from any web browser. For time when you need to do some serious planning and organizing, check out Todoist's gorgeous full screen mode.

If your goal is to spend as little time as possible organizing and more time doing, Todoist offers the simplicity you're looking for.

  • Free - Download Now

See also:

  • Free - iOS - Download Now

Your vote for best todo app for Mac?

These are our favorite todo apps for Mac but we know there are lots of others out there as well. Do you use something different or one of the ones we mentioned? How does it (or they) fit into your workflow better than other options? Let us know in the comments!

Note: Originally published, September 2013. Updated, July 2014.

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Best Gtd Apps For Mac Free

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